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San Juan Capistrano Classic Car Show 2/8

Greg Aden | Published on 2/8/2025

San Juan Capistrano Classic Car Show 2/8

Due to Phil's recent knee surgery and other members commitments, I was the only car from up North that ventured down to Capistrano for this year’s event. It was a cold drive at 5am in my Bugeye to make the 6:30 departure from the Starbucks parking lot. There was a large contingent of Healey's and a couple of other cars waiting and John Hummer and Alice lead us to the waiting line.


John tried to go in the back way and we were stopped and had to turn around and at that point my top radiator hose decided to come off and blew out all my radiator water on the way.


Luckily for me I was able to limp the car to the show guards and they were able to send a worker to get me a bucket of water. Once the hose was re-attached and water added I was able to drive up the line of cars to where our group had saved me a spot.


The sponsors had changed the parking at the show this year; we were not able to park on the sports Hield and they were parking everyone on the road around the complex. After inching along for at least 45 minutes, Alice was able to convince them to allow our 10 cars to park in the elementary school entrance road. This turned out to be a great move as we were parked next to the military vehicles and had a large number of spectators view our cars.


Attending in their Big Healey's were John Hummer & Alice, Steve Heck, George McHarris, Rich Heiman, Chris Savage, Bob Clark, and Mitch Gonzales. Members in non-classics were Nancy Asahina, Tony Trentacost, and Joe Cristerna.


The weather was perfect and a good time was had by all.


However, if they are going to continue the present parking arrangement I will probably pass on the show in the future.