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From the President

Mike Biss | Published on 8/1/2023

We all made it home safe and sound from another Epic Healey adventure. I am sure the folks who were able to join us on our tour through Scandinavia will fill you in on our adventure.


Once again, I would like to give a shoutout to Steve and Cindi for pulling together a Great tour and helping to make a lifetime of memories.


Ed Neumeyer’s Celebration of Life- Once again, I would like to thank those who were able to join in on Ed Neumeyer’s celebration of life. Abbe and family put together a wonderful celebration and put on a more intimate gathering at their home afterwards, where we were able to share our stories of Ed and Abbe. It was a fitting tribute to Ed. Abbe was truly thankful for us being there sharing our fun memories of Ed. He will be missed. Abbe plans to join in on the CHW 2023 in Tahoe, so the stories and celebration will continue.


AHASC Board update- Well, the final vote has been counted (13% of our members voted). Looks like I am your president for another year (thank you for your vote of confidence). Greg Aden continues as our VP, Anna Johansson as Treasurer, Alice Johnson as Secretary, Mike Scroggie as Membership Director, Tim McNiff as News editor, and Kathy Scroggie is responsible for Regalia. We unfortunately have an unfilled position, the club Historian. Bill Wilkman stepped down and no one has stepped up to fill Bill’s big shoes. He had a challenging job, so if interested, please let one of your board members know. We can use the help.


CHW 2023- CHW 2023 is just around the corner- September Sept 18th through Sept 22nd. If you have not signed up, please do so ASAP. Our Healey family is always a lot of fun and has lots of stories. I hope to see you there and, more importantly, have our cars back from Europe. Thanks to our “de facto” social director, Steve Kirby, some of our members plan to caravan up and/or back from South Lake Tahoe with an overnight stay in Bishop.


CHW 2024- The site/venue selection for CHW 2024 is wrapping up. We sent out 23 RFPs with 10 more or less complete responses. We are down to a short list (3) and will review with the Board the first week of August. We will have made our selection by this summer and announce it at CHW 2023 in Tahoe. If you have any thoughts and ideas on how to make CHW 2024 even better than prior events, please let me know.


Christmas Party- It’s never too early to start planning for our 2023 Christmas party. Once again George Merino has helped us reserve the Shoreline Yacht Club for our gathering. It is planned for December 17th in the afternoon.


Will get more information out as soon as it is available.


New members- Please join me in welcoming a new member to our club: Steve Sheffield. Steve lives in Yorba Linda and has a ‘63 BJ7 Mk2. Steve would like some advice on repainting the entire car or repairing and spot painting his car, if you would like to reach out to him, he can be contacted at:


As always, I hope to see you at the Cars and Coffee get-togethers and other gatherings/ drives, where we can regale one another with our stories. Stay well.

