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Brits at United Artists Theater 12/17

Peter Roses | Published on 12/17/2022

Brits at United Artists Theater 12/17

There is something about this season that raises the spirit within me and the Club Members attending the December UA Meet.


With everyone in the Holiday mode and Alexandra, up early to fulfill a commitment to Phil Caliva, we spent the hour catching up on Healey talk, family plans and the upcoming New Year’s Day Club events.


As for the eight members and one wife, with their four Healeys, a square- body Sprite, a TR6, and a  classic Indian motorcycle, the time at the UA rushed by and before long the group assembled in front  of Chuck Lakowski’s Red- Nosed Jensen Healey for  the customary group picture.


With the sun rising as well as the temperature, we were off to Magpie’s for Breakfast where we were joined by Dennis Williams to round out our table of eight.


The next hour passed with story after story from each of our group before it was time to finish up, bid everyone Happy Holidays and head home.


If this is the kind of Saturday morning that is of interest to you, join us next month on January 21st for our next UA Meet.


Until then, Happy New Year! Attendees: Tim McNiff, Phil Caliva, Chuck Lakowski, Dan Burrola, Steve Gerow, Mark Levoe, Lou Fisher, Peter and Alexandra Roses.