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United Artist Theater - 1/19

Published on 1/19/2019

United Artist Theater - 1/19

A poor showing at the NADA (aka La CaNADA) Coffee and Cars.

In this reporter’s opinion the regulars need to get their priorities straight.  Peter Roses, Steve Gerow, and Dennis Williams all elected to drive to Scottsdale, Arizona to attend the Barrett Jackson auction.  Imagine that! Even worse, Dennis Williams didn’t even want to go with them, which if you know Steve and Peter is understandable.  Especially if it’s in a public setting and the potential of running into someone you know exists.  It seems he felt more comfortable with his Porsche buddies; like it’s some prestigious event where they’re all standing around drinking Chardonnay and admiring each other’s Gucci man-purse.  I guess it was more appealing to Dennis to drive over there with his hoity-toity friends in his “screaming” yellow Porsche with the whale tail.  Looks like Donald Duck in a sea of sand bobbing across the desert.  They were also probably speeding and listening to the all-ABBA channel on his satellite radio.  Oh my GOD!! How many times can you listen to “Dancing Queen”? Both Jeff Boysen and John Hedblom were absent.  Jeff had a haircut appointment, which his wife Diane says “takes less time than when they met”.


This falls under The Law of Diminishing Returns.  I’ve no idea where John was.


Maybe he was trying to figure out where TOP DEAD CENTER was on his Mazda rotary-powered Bugeye.


Tim McNiff was there, I’m sure because it was POINTS DAY, and also to make sure Yours Truly showed up to fulfill his patriotic duty to report on the event.


Anyone else feel that if I was AWOL he might throw me in the Brig? Jon Doherty showed up late with some lame excuse that he had to drop his daughter off at track practice.  It’s track practice Jon, make her run there! I’ll bet he just overslept.  Next he’ll be telling us the dog ate his homework when it’s his time to write the report.


Like clockwork we can always count on Phil Caliva and Dex Kaytis to show on points day; the competition is already on.  They only made a cameo appearance though, as they left for Orange County to do something more challenging than standing around in a parking lot.


Emil Joseph made an appearance with his Hardtop Bugeye and sporting a new winter hat of fur and plaid.  It looked like something right out of the movie " A Christmas Story" except he looked like Elmer Fudd and he'd caught the "wascally wabbit”.


With only Jon, Tim and me left to protect the Healey turf we worried that the stray Morgan owner present might make a move.  You can never be too careful with a car club that keeps losing their Angeles Crest Highway Rally trophy and also need to fumigate their cars.  Remember, THEY SMILE IN YOUR FACE BUT ALL THE TIME THEY WANT TO TAKE YOUR PARKING PLACE!

editor's note: please keep in mind that this is Lou Fisher writing with his tongue-in-cheek.