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From the President Pro Tem

Published on 10/1/2018

With less than a month to go before California Healey Week in Solvang, we are busy finetuning the plans, arrangements, and events.


We now have over 90 parties registered and we're looking forward to a great Healey Week.  We do need assistance with events and appeal to the AHASC members attending...if you would be willing to volunteer to help please let me know ASAP.


The events include the two drives, Tech Session, Rocker Cover Racing, Silent Auction and the Car Show.  I will soon be sending a final announcement to all registered sure to read your email and don’t miss this message with important final instructions.


This is my final column as your president (or “Interim President”), as you know I have been filling in for Steve Kirby, who returns this month and will take over the Presidential duties.  It has been a rewarding experience over the past years and I would like to express my appreciation to the officers, directors and members who have assisted me.  I encourage all members to support and assist Steve in the coming two years.  Leading the club is a lot of work and no one person can do it all...the club is only as good as the members who support it.  I won’t be disappearing, as I have agreed to take over the position of Membership Chairman.


See you on the road!

Happy Healeying