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United Artists Theater – 5/19

Published on 5/19/2018

It was a fairly typical Saturday with the exception that, several of us were without our cars as they were in transit to Amsterdam, for our European Healey Meet Trip.  Without my car, I had to revert to the transportation of my youth.  It took me a bit, but after about 45 minutes I was able to pedal my stingray bicycle from Altadena to La Canada.  It’s a steep pull, which later that evening required large doses of Absorbine Junior and Tequila, not necessarily in that order.


I wasn’t the only one feeling a bit haggard, as at breakfast Peter Roses informed us that he had been up since 2:30 am watching the royal wedding.  That helped explain the puffiness of his eyes, it was a very emotional moment for him and from this reporter’s sources we have learned that it was all his wife Alexandra could do to console him.


Typically at breakfast, the conversation centers around politics and automotive mechanical issues, of which there was a lengthy discussion about Steve Gerow’s steering box problem and no matter how large a hammer he enlisted, including the 12lb he uses on his knockoffs, he was unable to put a square peg in a round hole.


From there it centered on Steve Gerow and Tim McNiff on their review of the previous night’s entertainment, as they discussed the Taylor Swift concert at the ROSE BOWL and both seemed to be quite taken by the number and quality of her wardrobe changes even though they both hinted at a bit of disappointment that no malfunctions accrued i.e.  Janet Jackson.** Other attendees included John Hedblom, Tom Spangler, Jon Doherty, Emil Joseph, and Fred Zepeda, who brought his white BJ8 which he has had a very long relationship with and is contemplating whether to upgrade the brakes on it or get it painted.  It was brought up that if he can’t stop, he might end up doing both! Jeff Boysen was not in attendance and was rumored to be in England as a volunteer stand-in for Meghan Markle’s father, to escort the bride-to-be, and all was proceeding well until they did a back-ground check and that combined with the information that no matter how hard he practiced he still kept walking on the wrong side (seems they walk like they drive there) they finally had to enlist Prince Charles to assist.** Besides the above it was just another normal Saturday and we look forward to all of you coming and joining us for some fun.


*Editor’s note: these recollections seem to be fueled by the Tequila and Absorbine Jr the writer admits to imbibing.