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Club Holiday Party - 12/10

Published on 12/10/2017


Holiday Party 2017

This year’s Holiday Party was again held at the Shoreline Yacht Club in Long Beach thanks to the efforts of yachtsman/aviator/ Healey-owner and Club member, George Merino.


Early arrivers to the party were invited to join George on his 41’ motor yacht for some adult libations and Holiday greeting from one of Santa’s reindeer; who looked suspiciously like Tony Trentacost. After greeting old friends, including all the McHarris’ from Las Vegas and San Jose, and sipping George’s mimosas we adjourned to the Clubhouse where more of the group were exchanging season’s greetings and catching up on everyone’s news.


When everyone was seated President Mike Scroggie greeted the assembled crowd of over 75 club members, spouses and children. After a few remarks regarding the club’s health and the upcoming Healey Week in October, Mike welcomed some of the new members who joined us in the past year. First was John Hummer and wife Alice (and their 1957 BN4) who recently made the move from Maryland. Next we met Mike and Delia Williams (1965 BJ8, I think) who had moved from the San Diego area into our club and then Grace Lui and her “mechanic” Gabriel White from the PV peninsula.


Then it was on to the luncheon which consisted of a green salad, beef or chicken, steamed vegetable medley, mashed potatoes, and dinner rolls. Bottles of red and white wine provided by the club were on each table. After some of the members helped themselves to seconds and thirds the dessert was served. The after lunch remarks included a review of the upcoming events of the next three months by Vice President Greg Aden, Steve Kirby announcing a new service of putting logos on t-shirts, hats, etc.


Finally, Mike announced the Bill Barnett Spirit Award winner for 2017, Greg Aden. Phil Caliva, last year’s winner passed the Spirit Trophy over to Greg and then threw down the gauntlet for 2018. Before Mike finished he mentioned that elections will be coming up in June and to be thinking of nominees. Theresa Merino then claimed the mic to suggest that female car owners and wives are capable of being the Club President or Vice President.


Before everyone had a chance to escape, yours truly made his annual plea for more input to the newsletter from the general membership. And thus ended an enjoyable and entertaining Club party.