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From the President

Published on 6/1/2017

The lifeblood of a volunteer organization like ours is the willingness of its members to contribute by serving as volunteers from time to time. The success of the AHASC over the past 42 years has largely been due to its members serving as officers, members of the Board and on committees. We all owe them a debt of gratitude for their leadership and service.

Our club currently has about 175 active members. Last month, we distributed the nominations form for new officers for the 2017-2018 term, beginning July 1, 2017.

The membership response has been extremely underwhelming...a grand total of 3 forms have been submitted as of the time of this writing. I’m not sure if this is due to forgetfulness or ambivalence. Regardless, we as club members should be embarrassed, I certainly am.

This newsletter contains the Officer Election ballot for new officers for July, 2017 through June, 2018. Three of our existing officers have agreed to serve another one-year term; Jay Miller as Treasurer, John Hedblom as Secretary and Bill Wilkman as Historian. They have my thanks for their continued service. We currently have no candidates (i.e., no nominations) for President. I believe this is unprecedented.

Needless to say, the future of the club is dependent on consistent leadership. I strongly urge that all members take this responsibility seriously and vote for your choice of new officers. You can either check off the nominated candidate or write in another member as your choice. All ballots must be submitted by June 30, 2017 to Tim McNiff at or complete the online form at