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From the President

Published on 4/1/2017

We’ve had some really well attended events lately, most recently the British Invasion at the Dana Point Festival of Whales and the annual Peter Roses’ Tech session, both are covered in this issue. At the Tech Session, we had a Board Meeting, club financial update and discussion of 2017 upcoming events. We have published the club’s 2016 consolidated financial statements on the website...member sign-on required.

The schedule for 2017 Monterey Healey Week is progressing well. As I have previously reported, our club is running Rocker Cover Racing at Healey Week. I have enclosed an update article on this event in this newsletter.

I strongly encourage all AHASC members attending to participate in this event...we need to show the rest of the attendees how much fun this event is! The Golden Gate club has just announced that we will be allowed on the track at Laguna Seca for parade laps on Tuesday afternoon, following the car show in Pacific Grove. This is an opportunity that no Healey owner should often in this lifetime do you get to drive on this iconic race track? Be sure you don’t get left out! Also, the Golden Gate club notified us that they are down to the last 25 rooms available at the Hyatt Regency Hotel at the discounted rate of $159/night. When they are sold, the price will go up $30 or more each night. Be sure your room is booked.

We will soon be publishing nomination forms for 2017-2018 club officers. Let’s all think creatively about our future club leaders.

Happy Healeying!