There have been some significant changes to the British car and motorbike display. The dates and times are the same. Scottishfest will be held in Costa Mesa at the Orange County Fairgrounds on Memorial Day weekend, (Saturday, May 28th & Sunday, May 29th) as usual. There has been a Saturday time change. WAS: 9am to 6pm; IS: 10am to 7pm. Sunday remains 9am to 6pm. This is the same as my last emails. Mark your calendars and if you will be able to attend, please let me know which day, or days, you can attend, so that we can make sure that we have enough space for our cars. If anyone could come on the Sunday instead of Saturday it would help greatly to balance out the display.
The location of our display at the Fairgrounds has changed. We have moved our display to near the main entrance next to the Clans display. Specifically, classic cars will enter through gate 4 from Arlington road and proceed though the Camping Gate. The volunteers at the gate have been instructed to let car show participants in as usual. You will then pull forward onto the grass or pavement area. There should be no need to back and fill to get into a spot. There is a combination of grass with some trees and pavement. What this allows our group to do is eliminate driving into the pedestrian areas and allow us more freedom to arrive and leave when we want. Saturday the gate will be opened at 9:00 and Sunday at 8:00 for our group. We can now arrive and leave when we want to. I will be going to the site on Monday the 20th to get a better understanding of our new location and will send out a final reminder email.
Unfortunately, there will be no drive around in the stadium this year. Because we are at the other end of the site we would have to drive in the busiest pedestrian areas and that is not allowed by the Fairgrounds. But the good news is that our location is right in the mix of the event, close to all the action and a lot more exposure for our group. With that said I would like some help. Please pass this info on to others who have vintage or classic British cars (or motorbikes). It would be great to have a big showing for this event.
Finally, as with most things these days there will be some hiccups and last minute changes. The volunteers have worked very hard to make things run smoothly for this entire event for the enjoyment of everyone so please be flexible.
If you have any other questions please contact me and I'll get back to you, or check out the Games website at
Bart Smith
951 378-3309