Turning onto Flight Way, from Barranca in Irvine, is a little bit like heading into an office Secret- Santa-gift-exchange holiday gathering. The room could be Filled with people you don’t really know, or know well, or care to get to know anytime soon, but, if enough of your inner circle shows up, it’ll make for the perfect driving-home feelings. Your heart will be full.
‘The cars are not visible from Barranca. So, driving in on Flight Way to reach Tustin Legacy Cars and Coffee, the second Sunday of each month, is always the ol’ ‘Let’s see who showed up today!’ ‘Let’s see who came directly from home since we know who was at the Balboa Fun Zone with us, in our north-on-the-55-Phil-you-lead caravan!’ Tony Trentacost, in all of his red-over-white and big-smile splendor, wins the prize! He was our ray-of-sunshine greeter, as we four cars (Randy Clary, Chuck Lakowski, Phil Caliva, John Hummer and yours truly) each pulled in and found parking he’d somehow finagled.
It’s always-always about quality versus quantity, isn’t it? In a small group with this group, our laughs are just as hard, the humor dished out just as funny, ‘tech sessions’ just as detailed and the photographer ribbed just the same amount trying to line everybody up for our group shot.
It was a fabulous morning! So- worth getting up at zero-dark- thirty just to, but never intentionally, beat Phil to the Fun Zone to kibitz over the best breakfast sandwiches ever (perfectly-cooked scrambled eggs, cheese, crispy bacon, and avocado on a yummy fresh croissant) and then do the 55N caravanning for the perfect ‘coming-away’ feelings. A super second- Sunday-of-September Sunday.