The New Year is here and it looks like another great year, full of events for us to enjoy with our Healey's.
The New Years Day Club events for January are behind us and hopefully everyone had a great drive in their cars.
The February event is the annual San Juan Capistrano Car Show on February 8th and if you are planning on attending, I recommend entering early. The event usually has a large turnout of club members for a great day.
The March Club event is the Festival of Whales event at the Dana Point Harbor on March 8th & 9th. We will be showing our cars both days this year, so you will have a choice of days if you are not planning to make both days. Space is limited and therefore if you are interested in showing your car you need to contact Mike Scroggie sooner than later.
In April we will have several Club events: the 12th is the Spring Swap Meet at Steve Kirby's shop and on the 13th is the annual San Diego Rolling British Car Day in Northern San Diego County. A Tech Session is being planned for either the 20th or 21st depending on the Ginal location.
Finally, the Queens English show is on the 27th at Woodley Park in the Sepulveda Basin.
May is the National Conclave in Branson, Missouri and Steve Kirby has a couple of openings in his tour that ends up in Branson. Contact him if interested in joining the group. Also, Mike Ovesen, is organizing a covered shipping of his and Phillip Bright's Healey's from Palm Springs to the Conclave, contact him if you are interested in joining them.
Happy Healey-Ing!