We made it past the shortest day of the year! Welcome to the long cold winter nights. Fortunately, it’s been a winter that wasn’t so far, so we are able to get our cars out and show them off. We got the Healey decorated up and out for a couple of parades and drove through a few neighborhoods with some amazing decorations. I hope you had a great Christmas, Hanukkah and a great new year celebration surrounded by friends, family and lots of love.
Our annual AHASC Holiday party was a great success- We held our annual holiday party on Sunday the 15th of December at the Shoreline Yacht Club. As always it was a great success with 53 of our Healey family in attendance. There was a lot of catching up and discussions about what is planned this coming year. We collected many gifts for the Toys-for-Tots and over $200 in the Battery fund. We also did very well selling regalia and those in attendance were given a windshield sticker that dates back to the very beginning of our club in 1974.
AHASC Board of Directors (BOD) Meeting- Following the Holiday party, the BOD met to discuss a few topics (CHW 2025, 75th IHM, and a few other topics). We voted to contribute to a student at McPherson College. He is specializing in vintage car restoration. This is the third year we have supported a student from McPherson.
We have also agreed to contribute to the International Healey Museum in the Netherlands.
New members- Please join me in welcoming three new members- George Castleberry, Bruce Peters and Ken Wentworth. George is from Flagstaff, AZ, and is a member of the National club. Bruce is from Bakersfield and is also a member of AHCA. Ken is from Newport Beach and has a ‘59 BN-4. Welcome to our new members.
AHASC & AHCA Renewals- The 2025 AHASC and AHCA clubs have both sent out their 2025 renewal reminders. If you haven’t done so yet, please renew as soon as possible. It makes Mike’s job much easier. The annual local membership fee remains the same, $30. If you are currently not a national member, you should consider joining them as well. They do a lot of good for us and publish the Healey Marque, their monthly newsletter.
CHW 2025 is on and will be held in Yosemite. As mentioned before, CHW 2025 will be held in Yosemite National Park same as the 2016 Healey Week. It is jointly being put on by AHASC and the GGAHC club. It will also be held at the same venue. It should be peak fall colors there at that time. To date, we have over 18 cabins rented with about 60 folks planning to attend so far. We will have to cap the number of registrants due to venue size limitations, so you may want to sign up ASAP. Steve Kirby is finalizing the cost estimates for the event, so we know what the event will cost and can get the registration information out to everyone interested. As mentioned, this will be a CHW “lite”, so more socializing, a couple of drives and time to enjoy the local beauty with old and new friends. Also, as a reminder for those interested, David Nock from the GGAHC is setting up a fall colors tour just before CHW2025. David’s tour will pass through some of the gold rush back roads and Sierra Passes looking for the perfect fall scenery. The plan is for CHW 2025 to be the second week of October 2025. You will want to reserve your cabin as quickly as you can. You may also want to buddy-up with your friends to help reduce the lodging costs. It promises to be an amazing and beautiful event.
As always, please keep up the great support for the local drives and events and check our website for upcoming events. Our rides bring a lot of joy to so many people. Also, when considering having work done on your cars, please consider our sponsors.