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Scottish Festival Sunday 5/26

Tim McNiff, Editor | Published on 5/26/2024

Scottish Festival Sunday 5/26

It’s early Sunday morning of Memorial Day weekend and I’m motoring through mist under overcast skies to Costa Mesa. My destination is the Scottish Festival at the OC Fairgrounds. As I enter the gate for the British Car Display, I see a few cars already parked, but only one Healey, John Hummer’s primrose yellow 100-6. I pull in next to John and we become the Healey contingent.


As the weather improved the number of spectators increased and we started getting a lot of interest and questions about our cars. Being an adjunct to the Festival is always fun and you get to do some research on family roots that might go back to Scotland. There is always the sound of bagpipes being played, and you can watch the sheep being herded by the border collies, or the lads and lassies tossing big stones and telephone poles around the pitch.


By three p.m. I had had my Iill of haggis and meat pies, so it was off to the northbound 405, Iinal destination Glendale and my own Irish-English-Scotch family.